Project Toliman Juli, 26, 2004 - The Global Meditation

The Crop Circle Phenomenon
Research and Results
...more than just flattened corn...


Immediately after the meditation a picture was published on Eutonnah's Website (which exists no more. I hope to recover at least pieces of it.) It shows an angelic light that appeared during the meditation inside a medicine wheel. Very impressive is there also the list of participants. This list became so amazingly large only because of the courage of so many to come forward with their names to the public.

Here we present a random selecetion of international emails which reached us after the meditation. We thank all who have written to us and supported that crucial effort. If you would like to contribute to this list with a report of what happened at your site, please feel free to send us your email.


July 30, 2004, 3:35 p.m. Thank you for letting all people of Turtle Island

to pray for her wellbeing on July 26. Lim limpt! Emby

Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2004 1:25 PM
Subject: Sharing this

I sent my name to be added to your list and have shared this all over the earth.. Rereading it I had a thought to share. It is simply a masterpiece and I do hope there are plans spread this further.

The only thing that dates it is the top about when it was to begin.. Otherwise it is timeless wisdom.. When something touches so very deeply the souls of all humankind such as these words and music perhaps, I am just one of many collective voices asking for more people to somehow see this.

Blessings, Light and Love,
Judy Jones

Dear Joachim and Hans,
Sadly, I was not able to join you for Project Tolman, although my thoughts were with you. I led a meditation at the Glastonbury Symposium on the Saturday evening, at which I mentioned your worldwide meditation on the Monday night, and suggested that we used the Glastonbury meditation to "prime the pump" for Monday, and initiate a healing cycle for the earth. There was a lot of light present in the hall, and a huge triangle of golden light was created over the group, with numerous thick beams of golden light shining outwards from the main structure.

I believe something has changed since Monday night. Tuesday was a very peculiar day - everything was very still, quiet, but oppressive. There was a sense of something uncomfortable, something powerful and inhibiting. Then on Wednesday, everything had changed - there was a sense of lightness, of greater freedom, as if a cloud had lifted, a sense of expansion. I can still feel it today (Thursday).

I have a strange image of something having revolved (like a massive circular stone slab blocking an entrance), revolving and moving away from the opening, to let light flood in.

You are doing an excellent job bringing different peoples together for this important work, and I honour you for it.

Wollte jetzt nochmal kurz meine Empfindungen bei der Meditation schildern.

Ich stellte mir vor, dass die Kraft und die positiven Gedanken der im Kreis sitzenden Menschen sich in der Mitte des Kreises treffen und als strahlender Pfahl nach oben in den Sternenhimmel zieht. Dann trifft und verbindet er sich mit den beiden Strahlen der von den an den beiden anderen Plätzen Meditierenden zu einem großen starken Strahl, der sich flach über der Erde verteilt und sich hier wiederum mit den Kraftstrahlen der auf der ganzen Welt in Meditation befindlichen Menschen treffen und die Erde umhüllen und kräftigen.

Irgendwann sah ich kurze Bilder vor dem inneren Auge und vernahm Sätze und Wörter - alles in englisch. Diese Eindrücke sind im nachhinein mit einem Traum zu vergleichen, nur dass ich die ganze Zeit wach war. Kann leider nicht mehr genau sagen, was ich alles sah und was die in englisch gesprochenen Worte besagten. Ich erinnere mich an verschiedene Bilder von Kornkreisen und dass Hans mir an einem Sommertag Beeren von einem Strauch gepflückt hat :)

Als einzigen Satz erinnere ich mich an "A lot of proof" (oder so ähnlich).

Anja (was in Alton Priors)

29.07.2004, 10:02:16:

Sehr geehrter Herr Koch, sehr geehrter Herr Kyborg,

unser "kurzer" Teilnahme-Bericht:

Wir waren zu dritt auf der Burgruine Donaustauf mit interessanter Geschichte (bereits 500 v.Ch. bedeutende keltische Anlage). Unsere Meditation war ein großer Erfolg, sehr gefühlsintensiv und informativ bezüglich der irdischen Zukunft.

Falls Sie mehr über den Ablauf wissen wollen, lassen Sie es uns wissen.

Unser Field REG von Roger hat übrigens eine von uns noch nie vorher beobachtete Kurve aufgezeichnet.

Wir gratulieren zum Erfolg!!!

Wir sind gespannt auf die Berichte aus England und aller Welt.

aloha Ute, RA!! Markus (kosmischer Gruß von Thomaz Green Morton, Brazil)

Mitakuye oyassin Karin.

Marita Jaquenoud
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2004 9:56 AM
Subject: Re: Thank you All

Thanks for your mail and please accept me sharing the evening of July 26th with you. With my 2 girl friends we are in Sinai and went up to Mount Moses on July 25th. Asking the Beduins for a place to stay for a few days just to pray and meditate we got permission to live in an Oasis up in the mountain next to Mt Moses and on 26th of July we went for a walk and met "accidently" a group of people, 9 of them, just staying in the mountain for 2 days. We told them about the peace meditation and they wanted to join us, finally Bedouins joined us as well and for our meditation we have been 14 people, 7 nations, 4 religions (including 4 Israelis, 2 Palestiniens, 1 American, 2 Beduins, 2 Egyptians, 3 Europeens) and we would spent 5 hours together, singing peace songs, praying, meditating - it was the most powerful peace prayers I had ever experienced.

And please support us on August 17, 18, 19 - we are going to go to Israel to participate on their meeting between Palestiniens and Israelis for Pardon and Peace. I think that this will be as well a very important step towards 2012 and we need all the support we can get to get our message of peace through to their governments.

Thanks for your support and thanks for all the work you did to allow us to live this marvelous evening. Marita

From: Johanna Parry Cougar
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 5:10 PM
Subject: RE: Thank you All// a report from wounded knee

A report from Wounded Knee...

we vidoe taped our reading of the prayer being prayed from the medicine wheel of healing building site, and will attempt to make the video available when we can.

it was a small group of mostly lakota kids, young men, and Robert White Mountain reading/leading the prayer...headsman of the Midnight Strong Heart Society.... with me, johanna, in my dirty earth building knickers, tears
running down my face.

Corrina McFarlane was in Europe, and I think she sent you her connection
ceremony the two spirit sisters were on different continents
during our prayer time.

Thank you for doing this connecting.
From my heart, I could feel its impact.
love prevails

Darlene Grymkoski
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 3:53 PM
Subject: I just flew in from the Peoples Covenant with the Living Earth and, boy, are my arms tired!

Just a brief note thanking you for your organization and updates of the great event of July 26th. I know that it took a lot of patience, but it appears that things went very well. ( The biggest thing that I've ever organized was an office Christmas party, which was much more demanding than I ever anticipated. You have my sympathy!)

As for me, there was a great build up of energy in the days prior to and on the day of the Peoples Covenant. I sat alone under some mature oak and pecan trees, in a small area between the ancestors burial mound and a creek. The humming of the cicadas and the chirps and trills of birds were so overpowering that I almost could not hear myself think. As I read the words out loud of the Covenant, I was filled with great emotion and choked back tears. Although I was alone, I never felt that I was anywhere but with all the other like-minded people during the event. The only problem I've encountered is a lack of energy in the last few days since the event. I am feeling much better this afternoon and realize that it was time and energy well-spent for an extremely worthy cause.

Take care...

Wednesday, July 28, 2004 12:50 PM
Subject: RE: Thank You All

Dear Eutonnah and all the organizers of the Earth Covenant gathering:
Thank you so much for affording me the opportunity to link up and join with you on Monday for the Earth Covenant. Even though I performed the ceremony alone with a candle I felt that I was in the company of many beings. It was a special experience to link up in this way ­ and to speak the words I knew that you were all speaking. I wonder if you will carry this forward, so that we may frequently speak to Mother Earth together. If you do, I will be there.

In love and light,
Michelle Tocher

Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 5:46 AM
Subject: Re: Thank you All

Dear Eutonnah, dear Joachim,Hans-Jurgen,
Thank you for your message. I was gratefull i could be of some help. Thanks to you all i know now why i was made to communicate with all life, now i know for sure i am not that strange idealist, living in her own world, which is considered a different world. Now i finally truly believe in splendid new hopes for the future, because i share it with hundreds of others everywhere around this world, and God be blessed, not only people,Thus great is the miracle of life.

In 1993, i made a painting, i named it, sun for the fish. One summersday we were watching a beautifull sunset in Greece near the seashore.My little girl Iris asked;why does the sun gets under the water? While we were tormenting our brains, how to translate this cosmic miracle into language a little girl could understand, she herself came up with the answer, so beatiful and poetic, i could say no more, and felt no reason left why i should.

i know, for the fish, so they can enjoy the sun now as well. Perfectly honest; we during the daytime , underwaterlife; during the night, isn,t it sweet? After i arrived home, i made a painting and named it, Sun for the fish.

But on it are the earth in the center and the early evening moon, like in that late afternoon, the sky with a hummingbird and flowers and stars ,(iris painted the stars) an egypt female figure, underwater flowers,( corals), fish, shells and healing hands to nurture the planet and the female figure.

I consider this my favourite painting ,because its full of joy and wonder over life. Now after this memorable night of the covenant i now the hopes and awareness that speaks from the painting are not only my hopes ,but are carried in the hearts of many, many people around the world. I am gratefull all of them have made a commitment now and knowing that our thougts are powerfull and will come into creation, i was praying through my tears, the night of the covenant.

When i reached the part of the two leggeds who are the caretakers of mother earth, i felt so much pain and at the same time so much love, it was an overwhelming experience. How was it for you?

Can,t we do this every year? It is a pity i will not hear from you again? I hereby give you permission to keep my e-mail addres. I would like it very much to hear from you once in a while.

Thank you dear Eutonnah,Joachim,Hans Jurgen,jeannette and Frank.For guiding this project.
Ingrid Bres

Dear Hans and Joaquin,

Here is a true story I wanted to share with you!

Otter and I stood over Walking Hawk's grave site. I had my drum and declared that I would sing a song. The sound just comes out weak at first then grew to be quiet steady and strong. Otter asked me could I sing to the four directions. I fell into it and when I opened my eyes I thought the cut down tree stump was a person standing near by. He is just ticked pink Otter said.

I drove to the Crossroads Café and Janava got in the car and we headed to Joshua Tree State Park, Indian Cove entrance. There's a place I want to take you I told them. The car appeared to be racing towards an ocean wave of granite. The light on the craggy stones was dim enough to outline the citadel. I want to show you this place. I had discovered it on one of my run away days. It was a smooth boulder with handholds carved into it and the spacing of the hollowed out circles was enchanting. I pulled up to the camping site and a sun burnt man was sitting at the picnic table. Hello we all greeted each other. He knew what I was going to show and his voice was happy to join in on the conversation. The three of us felt soft and yielding to him. He felt comfortable as well. Then he began to speak.

I was paralyzed so I traveled across country in search of a healing. I am healed and it was the mountain that I sat at the bottom of that gave me the strength. I had no movement in my right side and it was the wind , the power of it, the gusty winds that gave me my wings. I was blind in one eye. All the doctors said that curing of paralysis is impossible but they know nothing of the strength of earth mother. This valley, the Cochella Valley is a very powerful place because the strength of the sun and the healing waters and the wind and the mountain these are what heal us and this is what the Native American man had knew. I had vacillated whether to leave from this camp site to get some ice. I vacillated about staying because I wasn't sure whether I was worthy to be in the presence of the rock people

The clouds began to rush into the moon. They were billowy and I remarked to Janava that they were approaching in numbers to compliment the stones surrounding us. The light was fading fast and at times the clouds blew in front of the moon darkening the place we stood. We were standing around the car and finally Otter moved to the earth and sat with her pipe in front of her not making a sound.

It was his emphasis on his newly acquired respect of Earth Mother and the wisdom of our native elders that struck a resonating chord with us. He didn't know us but we knew ourselves and that was a reason for a song. I placed my Otter pelt and pipe bag around my shoulders as I had designed to be that way. Then I reached in for my drum and sat down on a large rock in front of the rock people and cloud people. Then I burst into a warrior's song. I used a drum heart beat rhythm and held my head back to let the birds come out of my throat. I sang for him and his faith in renewal and I sang to thank the spirit elders who had scratched me out of the house to be at that moment of prime receptivity. I sang for new women friends and female support. I sang because he leaned into the mountain and the sun and the wind and came out being their advocate.

When I stopped singing there were two birds flying over head making a sound no one had ever heard before. Janava was sobbing silently and this man was crying his heart out as well. Otter was sitting behind me so I did not know how she was feeling because we were all in individual sacred places of the self. He thanked me but I thanked him. I thought I was coming for myself said Otter but I am so grateful that it was something greater shown to us that we came to witness. I did not feel worthy to be in the majestic aura of the rock spirits he said. I felt like I needed an introduction. I would not have even been here if I hadn't just surrendered to being and let go of the concern of whether I was worthy or not.

He said where we stood was the most powerful place he had ever been to and that he had sailed to Tahiti and nothing on the water had compared to the profound energy of the desert. People who spend a lot of time alone can get long winded because of the voices turning around inside their head. He had a lot of information and I thought it best to sing another song then be off. What's your name I asked he replied, Peter Michael Harold Johansen Hoffman, I am German. I then told him of my new brothers in Germany and the Earth covenant that will be spoken tomorrow at 3pm globally. The Germans are in spiritual alliance with our Native Americans I said. He knew in full realization that what I said was true. I told him when the covenant will be spoken it will rest in the arms of the cloud people so that when a human is ready to wake up to earth care taking they will have been watered by these words to be spoken. We know this because we feel it in our blood that we are all related. We hugged and shook his hand goodbye. He said that he had not been touched by a woman in 7 years. He also said he was celibate. So were we three but we didn't say that to him. He was a child, our brother, our father, our spirit care taker, we knew him deep in our prayers.

In the car I drove to another location. Otter said number 11 camp site let's sit there. Out of the car I brought my eagle and condor feathers to air them out in the thunder storm light being spoken over the hills in the distant horizon.

There is something happening I said. Synchronicities are closing the gap of separation. It doesn't matter what I am feeling. It is beyond feeling. Even when I'm having down time thoughts, they are answered concurrently through nature, the radio, a passing lettered sign everywhere around me I am seeing and hearing my thoughts expressed as reassurances. I think that I am being shown that I am making my way through the polarity of right and wrong. I have beaten myself up for so many years with the shame that comes from thinking I've make a mistake in decision making.

What if I never make a mistake? What if no one ever made a mistake with me? Just to think about it was awesome. The possibility of being correct and true and pure in every bend of the road I walked was merciful. It took a day out of time to realize that. That means let go of the worries, let go of the hurrying, just show up. You are always on time when you're in the place of being. It's important to feel but don't feel wrong and don't feel right. Feel open to the night and take in as much song as you can for everything is vibrating a song.

I am hoping that you will think of me and come to visit a very remarkable place.

Your friend,
Carol Moon Bear

Great Blessings, great work, my fellow sisters and brothers, thanks for you loving caring relationships for our Mother Earth. It was of the greatest of honor for all of us here to be part of the Earth Covenant Ceremony. I thank those responsible for having the vision and having the strength, wisdom and fortitude to carry out their dreams. And thank those many others around the world who helped intertwine the energies around the world. Joachim Koch, Hans-Juergen Kyborg, Eutonnah V. Olsen Dunn, Jeanette and Frank Altman have answered many prayers. And now through our sister Watoosha for getting us involved in communicating with one another.This is of a wondrous timing of the Universe and a blessing for all of creation on Mother Earth and her children we the true people of our ancestors, remembering who we really are.

Our group was working an ancient Medicine Wheel that is hundreds of years old in my mother´s homelands in Fort Duchesne, Utah. The Shoshones and the Utes on the Uintah & Ouray Indian Reservation and other cultures joined us. Many visions are happening to our peoples of the world, just as they have in the past and now of the present it is a great time that we are all living in.  The beauty that is bestowed upon us every time we do sacred prayers, songs and dance our Mother Earth's spirit blesses us.

Our Father sky and all its energy from the Sun and the Universe are working with us.  The holy ones listen to our sacred words (prayers) and bless us in peace and harmony. Bestowing balance bring freedom ever closer every time we work together bring the softness of sacred vibrational sound, songs and prayers. These ceremonies heal Mother Earth so the rains and springs can once again flow breaking the bondages of the negative humans spirit in development in Mother Earth´s history. Now is the timing bringing back the Rainbows for the future in freedom to our spiritual growth, for love on earth to experience real freedom, truth within our families and friends, sisters and brothers of all colors.

Many Rainbows and flowers are showing themselves in many areas around the Earth at this time.  Wherever we do sacred work we are putting the flower of life back together (the grid lines, ley lines, song lines ect) in sacred geometry, the water is returning.  The beautiful colors of life are plentiful and can be restored having faith giving service. The stamina and determination that is needed more that ever before in the history of Mother Earth for Millions of Years is now being attempted and activated. We are that generation of individuals that can do the work intended to help educate all cultures and all age groups within the teaching institutions of the world. This manifesting the wisdom is inevitable and cannot be stopped.

Father Creator and Mother earth love us and will not let us down. They have showed their love and have blessed us over and over and will stand beside us.  Many of our fellow sisters/brothers are awakening to the messages in visions joining in healing Mother Earth, all nations none excluded.  Many are the Rainbow Warriors that are just now coming out from hibernation. The prophecy is making its way into many households, communities and nations of the world. For those who may not understand, go to an Internet search engine and look up the Rainbow Warrior Prophecy for this clarification. In our traveling to Utah for the Earth Covenant we started one day before working on the energy lines, song lines, ley lines, these are all the same in one. A vision has come and worked its miracles during the Magnificent 19 + 1 = 20 Ceremony located in the Grand Teton Peaks in Western Region of the United States of Wyoming.

During July 25th, we activated this ancient medicine wheel in Utah. As was mention in the vision of May 8th Grand Teton Vision ( ).  We were to continue to do exactly what we did here and everywhere upon mother earth.  After doing the ceremony on the 25th of July, it rained immediately afterwards.  On July 26th Mother Earths spirit showed her to others and myself.  I saw her dancing in a twirling motion spinning counter clockwise with a Pure White Buckskin dress on.  From her shoulders as she was spinning were thousands of stands of buckskin strings pure with hands at the end of the strings.  She was also spinning clockwise at the same time it looked like a spiral spinning together going in opposite directions like rainbows, like a double helix.  In those lines of pure white lines were hands reaching to thousands of people in colors of the rainbow touching everyone and everything.

As she was spinning on sending love on this July 26th, 2004 she was touching all of those that were in ceremony all around the world. I asked who she was and what she was doing and this is what she replied to me. To those who love her very much she was blessing with the rainbows, which meant the rains, health and good attitudes for the future of their families and all things related upon earth to them. She dances and danced spinning touching everyone with the twirling rainbows she radiated out all over the earth glowing in happiness and joy. She was beautiful.

Even the animals, birds, insects and all things were being represented with happiness and joy. Many of our group was seeing colors and other magical events unfolding in front of their eyes. Tears were flowing with many emotions being shown. One little boy was seeing the stones in the medicine wheel changing from one color to the next. Rubbing his eyes in disbelief. Butterflies were there floating and flying with many beautiful songs, drums, offerings and prayers. Images of the Moon, trees, little people, fairies and many things were taking place in this ancient Medicine Wheel. The mist of the rain settled upon us as we began at 4:00 pm in the afternoon. The mist is the water that is the rainbows, which connected to us, to the clouds, which connected to each and every one of you that helped in this very sacred time.

The water was touching us all and communication was strong within the matrix of life, water, it´s all about water. I will end here again thanking all of you that worked so hard for Mother Earth and the Universe to come more into balance once again. From the many in their groups to the those who visited mountains, valleys, meadows or deserts to do your sacred meditations...Thank you so much bless you all, a brother for peace and harmony to all things upon Mother Earth that is related expanding into the Universe...

Bennie E. LeBeau, Wind River-Shoshone Ft. Washakie, Wyoming - August 8th, 2004

Our gathering in my backyard went well. There were three others and myself and we had beautiful flowers in the center. We sat each in one of the directions and we opened with smudging and then we all recited the Living Earth Covenant. From there we read prayers from all Nations and from the Prayers for the Earth book. We did some drumming and singing and we had time for our individual prayers for the Earth and Life on the Earth.

May Peace Prevail on Earth and in all hearts and souls.
Sarah Leah Blum

Dear Joachim,

Our little group of half a dozen in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, shared the Mother Earth Covenant and joined our energies with those of all the others around the world in meditation. It was 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. local time.

Blessings to All,
Lee Martin

Dear Ones,
On July 26, two very powerful SunMoon Dances were ending and a Lakota Sun Dance was in the process of beginning. All have to do with healing the land, the people, and bringing peace to the earth.

This, too, was the end of a family reunion where deep healing took place after many years of jealousy, hate and strife were present.

Loving blessings,
Jeanne White Eagle

19.08.2004, 00:28:19:

Hello Joachim and All,
I wanted to write and tell you my husband and I joined in on July 26th, 2004 at 5:OO P.M.CDT on the Great Plains of Nebraska. During the ceremony,one of our cats sensed what was taking place and joined in, purring loudly. Then the Northern Cardinals started singing. The fish seemed unusually happy. Really! Eventually I retreated to the Blue Spruces to meditate, pray and send energy for the healing of the Mother Earth, her creatures and all human beings.

I got sensations on my head, as if someone was touching my hair. Later in the evening, 11:00 PM CDT, I went outside to see if the Northern Lights were visible. As I looked due North, there was a Shooting Star that Blazed straight toward the Ground. We have since received an abundance of much needed rain to quench the parched prairie that has suffered through many years of drought now.

Healing rains. The toads and frogs have returned, as well as the Butterflies.

Thanks to all who participated in this healing ceremony.

Blessings to All,
Linda in Nebraska

I want to thank all who made the worldwide web of intention happen on July 26. I was on top of Woodborough Hill in Wiltshire, England with about 20 others, holding hands in a circle under the clear night sky, while one of us read the "prayer". I have intended the healing of the Earth for 30 years, one garden (acupuncture point), at a time, but it is quite wonderful to be connected worldwide now. Would love to get a newsletter from you all. Greetings from Colorado, U.S.A.
Barbara Richard Pals

...and some more...

For our Mother Earth,
Peace and Light
Joachim Koch & Hans-Juergen Kyborg
December 2003, Berlin, Germany

