The Crop Circle Phenomenon

Research and Projects

...much more than just flattened corn...


Joachim Koch und Hans-Juergen Kyborg

Project Toliman July 26, 2004

The Stargate

The Creation and Activation of the Stargate (continued)

Here you can see a selection of photographs taken while we created the Stargate and how it looked from the air.

Frank in action- outer circle 2m wide and 80m in diameter / Frank in Aktion - äußerer Kreis 2m weit und 80 m im DurchmesserFrank in action- outer circle 2m wide and 80m in diameter... 

Frank going round /Frank geht rund und rund... still going round...

and on he goes... / und weiter geht es.....and further on he goes...   

The outer circle completed - a lot of work to do to sharpen the edges /der äußere Ring ist komplett - noch einige Arbeit übrig, um die Kanten zu glätten until the outer ring is complete...

View from the outer ring inward / Blick von außen nach innen View from the outer ring inward - western view...   

View from the outer ring inward - eastern view/ Blick von außen nach innen - östlicher Blick eastern view...

The two opposite Vril components The two opposite 'Vril' components ...

eastern part seen from Woodborough Hill...  Eastern part of the pictogram seen from Woodborough Hill...

The whole Stargate as seen from Woodborough Hill - here already with the new centre circle /Das ganze Sternentor, gesehen vom Woodborough Hill, hier schon mit dem neu hinzugefügten zentralen Kreis   

(Above) The whole Stargate as seen from Woodborough Hill [here already with the new central circle we added the next night because we've been annoyed very much by these smart people ("I know it all...") who trampled through our work (and Tim's crop) and who left the tramlines for the search of pole holes, who damaged the design and who seemingly have no sense for spirituality and the main message of the genuine crop circle phenomenon at all: look and think !]


And here from the air...

The Stargate from the air - east of it... / das Sternentor aus der Luft - östlich davon...            The stargate from the air- southeast of it.../das Sternentor aus der Luft - südöstliche Sicht...          The stargate from the air - seen from the West... / das Sternentor aus der  Luft - aus westlicher Sicht...


(please click here to continue)


For our Mother Earth

Peace and Light

Joachim Koch & Hans-Juergen Kyborg

2004, Berlin, Germany
